This Geeky Kitchen | Make It Yours : Cauliflower Curry

This Geeky Tangent This Geeky Kitchen

I love a recipe book. I can see about 38 from where I’m sitting, with more at home and as many again on my kindle.

And then there’s the internet. With more recipes than you could possibly imagine. With all the different sites, from blogs to bbc good food, it all gets a bit much to keep track of.

I’ve been cooking more than ever – along with the rest of the country – and been more adventurous with it. But after you’ve made a recipe that first time, you start to play around with it, add this, take away that, swap out something else, and do all the tinkering that makes recipes your own.

I decided it was time to make a template, one that I could keep on my ipad and fill in when I make alterations to recipes, and create a digital recipe book of signature dishes.

To show you how it works, I’ve used a recent cauliflower curry experiment as an example (and I’ve written my version out because of my untidy scrawl), and you can find the download below. I like to use it in goodnotes app.

This culinary adventure was born in the earlier weeks of lockdown, when we received a veg box, which contained with in a cauliflower. I don’t think, before that, I had ever actually purchased a cauliflower myself. Eaten them, many a time, but never purchased one.

What do you do with a cauliflower when you have a ton of veg, no cheese, and going to the supermarket is a no-go (and at that point, a sea of empty shelves).

It just so happened that I make sure I always have a jar of pataks madras curry paste in my cupboard/fridge at all times, so the obvious solution was to go and look at cauliflower curry recipes for inspiration.

I had a mere fraction of the listed ingredients, so I took what I had and went for it. It turned out pretty well if I do say so myself.

I noted down the original ingredients, and the changes I made, scribbled down what I did, how well if fared and any further changes I’d make. I can refer back to this any time, and it’s totally digital – saving those trees!


  • 1 whole cauliflower, cut into bitesized pieces, leaves and all
  • 1 red onion, chopped
  • 1 block frozen minced garlic
  • 1 block frozen minced ginger
  • 2 large tomatos, quarters
  • 1 tin coconut milk
  • 1 generous desert spoon curry paste
  • Peas


Cook the onion, garlic and ginger on a low heat until the onions are cooked to your liking and the frozen blocks are all defrosted mixed with the onion.

Add the curry paste and cook for a few minutes.

Add the cauliflower and cook until it it just beginning to soften. Make sure it is all well coated in the curry paste mix.

Add the tomatoes and cook until the begin to break down.

Add the coconut milk and cook, covered for 15-20 minutes. Add peas just before cooking (don’t forget like).

It can be served with rice, or with a naan or even a homemade flatbread (my current favourite thing to make).


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